Marty & Patti Elmore
Gospel Singers & Songwriters
And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15

Jared, Jordan
Carrington and Charley

Jennifer, Zandy,
Grace and Ethan
Meet Our Family:
Our daughter is Jennifer Vandall. She is married to Zandy. Zandy is the pastor of Golden Baptist Church in Golden Mo. Jennifer is a beautiful pastor's wife, serving with Zandy in the ministry. They have two wonderful children, Grace, 14, and Ethan, 13. Jennifer is an excellent wife and a wonderful mom! Her home is always filled with love and fun! It is always a joy to visit there! You know you are loved when you walk through the door! Friends and family are always welcome and once you are there you never want to leave. She will entertain you and feed you and even tuck you in at night! At least that is what she does for us! To know Jennifer is to love her! She lights up every room with her vibrant personality! Jennifer is a Revelation Wellness instructer. This is a great ministry to the women of their church as well as an outreach to their community. Zandy has a heart for the lost, is a great leader and a dynamic preacher of the gospel! He is an especially good husband to Jennifer, even helping with laundry and dishes! He is an amazing dad to Grace and Ethan! Grace and Ethan are great kids and have come to faith in Jesus at young ages. Their love for the Lord is evident and we are excited to see how God will lead them in their lives. Jennifer has had an extraordinary passion for Jesus since a very young age and it is exciting to see God using her so mightily! We are so proud of Jennifer and her sweet family and thankful for all of them! They are a great blessing!

Adam, Kacey
and Asa
Adam is our middle son and he is married to Kacey. They live in Nixa, MO and have a one-year-old baby boy, Asa Vinn. We are so thrilled for Adam and Kacey as they welcome this new bundle of joy into their home! Our hearts are so full of love for this beautiful little grandbaby. He is an answer to fervent prayer! God has granted our hearts deepest desire for Adam and Kacey and richly blessed our family with this perfect little miracle. Asa will have a special little buddy to love, Marley! He is our special grandpup and has won the hearts of the entire family! Adam is a most Christ-like man. His wisdom is truly from God and many times we call and seek his counsel. He is very tender and loving and a great blessing to our family. He is a strong leader in his home and business. Adam & Kacey shared with the family early on in their marriage of their desire to hear the voice of God and live by faith. God is richly blessing their lives. We love to visit in their home. It is wonderfully peaceful there. They are such a fun couple and we enjoy their company so much! They always make time to visit and encourage! Adam is an independent software engineer and very successful in his field. Adam is the creator and CTO of Statmuse, a plain language search engine which has received much aclaim, particularly in the sports world. Kacey is a very gifted photographer. She specializes in children's photography and her work is absolutely beautiful. She is a wonderful example of a godly wife and I know she will be the best momma! We are so excited for Adam and Kacey as we watch God unfold his wonderful plan for their lives. They are very dedicated to the Lord and find great joy in serving Him. We are proud of them, so very proud and thankful!
Our oldest son is Jared. He is married to Jordan and they have two beautiful daughters, Carrington, 3, and Charley, 1, who are a great joy and delight to our hearts! They live in Nixa, MO. A former Black Hawk helicopter pilot, Jared is a Chief Warrant Officer and C-12 Pilot in the U.S. Army Reserves. We are amazed to see all that Jared is accomplishing as a pilot and we know God will continue to use him greatly! As serious as his work is, he has a great sense of humor and keeps us all laughing! We love that about him! He is also very talented in woodworking. Jared is a kind and considerate man, always ready to help and encourage. Recently we had a need in the family and Jared called us all to prayer. He suggested we pray at 8 AM and 8 PM. We all began to agree in prayer in our homes and text "amen" when we were finished. We are so thankful for Jared's obedience to lead the family in prayer! We have seen God answer prayer and draw us even closer together as a family! What a blessing! Jordan is a school teacher and takes very much to heart her work as a ministry to middle school students in the public school. She is a wonderful wife and mother. They both love the Lord deeply and are a great example of a Godly, Christ centered marriage, always encouraging our family in the Lord. We love to see the love in their home, their faithfulness to each other and their service to the Lord. We are so proud of them and thankful for them!

Colin is truly a joy to our family! He is the youngest of the Elmore children and that brings many challenges to him, I'm sure. He started singing in our services with his brothers when he was only two years old. I would introduce him as my baby until he informed me one night on stage, when he was still quite young, that he was NOT a baby! I should have learned then! He has certainly risen above all of my doting on him and has become his own man with strong ideals and opinions. He is a great blessing to us! We are so thankful for Colin's heart for his family. He is one of the most loving guys you will ever meet. His sincerity and kindness are obvious the moment you meet him. Like his dad, he never meets a stranger and has the most compassionate heart! He always thinks of others before himself and finds great joy in investing in friendships. Colin has always had a tender heart for God and God has used him in so many ways, many publicly but even more privately as he quietly loves and encourages people. Colin lives the farthest away but we love to take road trips to visit him. He introduces us to new friends and always loves to have fun and enjoy good food! One of my favorite things is when he is able to come home for a few days and I get to make all of his favorite things to eat. Many times he brings friends along and that is great fun! Colin lives in Nashville, Tennessee. He is a gifted musician, singer, songwriter and recording artist. We are proud of Colin and know God has great things in store for him!